Fried basket manufacturers-teach you the correct use of stainless steel cutlery-Surtidora Pacific Limited Location:Home » Exhibition
Fried basket manufacturers-teach you the correct use of stainless steel cutlery
Published : 2021-08-16

With its beautiful and durable characteristics, stainless steel is widely used to make various tableware products; stainless steel tableware can be seen in restaurants and homes; such as: pots, bowls, plates, spoons, pots, basins, knives, forks, nets, Basket and so on.


Do you know the taboos of stainless steel tableware?


Stainless steel tableware is not suitable to contain salt, vinegar, soy sauce, and acidic juice, because the electrolyte in these foods can have a complex "electrochemical reaction" with the metal elements in the tableware, causing excessive dissolution of the elements.


Stainless steel pots cannot be used to boil traditional Chinese medicine; generally speaking, traditional Chinese medicine contains a variety of alkaloids, organic acids and other ingredients. These ingredients are prone to chemical reactions under heating conditions, which will make the medicine ineffective and even produce more toxic compositions .


Stainless steel pots cannot be burned in air, because stainless steel has lower thermal conductivity than iron products and aluminum products, and the heat conduction is slower. Air burning will cause the surface chromium layer to age and fall off.


After using for a period of time, the surface of stainless steel tableware will lose its luster and form a layer of haze; at this time, you can dip a soft cloth into the decontamination powder and gently wipe the surface of the stainless steel utensils to restore the brightness as before. Do not use steel wire or sandpaper to wipe, as this will scratch the surface of stainless steel.


Stainless steel frying baskets, ordinary households use simple overlapping frying baskets, while food machines (electric fryer, fryer) use straight-handle open frying baskets; they are used to cook, boil, and fry food! Hotels, guesthouses, McDonald's, KFC and large supermarkets are mainly used for fried chicken legs, French fries, fish and other fried foods; in Western countries, fried baskets are the main kitchen utensils indispensable for every family; easy to use, strong rust resistance , Durable, novel appearance, easy to use!

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