Household oven-Surtidora Pacific Limited Location:Home » Exhibition
How to choose the oven capacity?
Published : 2021-08-10

The oven with too small volume, the longer the opening time, the higher the internal temperature, and it is difficult to control the temperature constantly; and the internal height of the small oven is low, and the food is close to the heating tube, and the skin is scorched and the inside is not cooked.

Household oven

The specific capacity selection can be determined according to the kitchen situation

If the kitchen area is large and it happens to have a renovation plan, you can consider buying a built-in oven of more than 50L. Built-in ovens are better than desktop ovens in terms of heating speed, constant temperature control, and maximum power.

If the kitchen has been renovated, you can choose a bench-top oven above 35L.

If the kitchen space is relatively small and you want to make some cakes, roast duck, etc., the volume of the oven should not be less than 30L.

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